Viscosity 1 8 4 X 4

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Flows rate (Equivalence)

The most commonly used water flow or airflow unit today is CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute). In countries where the metric system is more common, m3/min or m3/h is sometimes being used, but even there, CFM is the most common unit.

SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais
1 acre-ft/month
1 bbl (US, liq.)/day
1 bbl (US, petrol)/day
1 cm3/s
1 CFM, cfm, ft3/min
1 cfs, ft3/s
1 in3/min
1 in3/s
1 m3/h
1 m3/min
1 m3/s
1 yd3/min
1 cumec
1 gal (UK)/day
1 gph (UK)
1 gpm (UK)
1 gps (UK)
1 gal (US, liq.)/day
1 gph (US)
1 gpm (US)
1 gps (US)
1 l/h
1 l/min
1 l/s
= 4.69361 x 10-4 m3/s
= 1.3801 x 10-6 m3/s
= 1.84013 x 10-6 m3/s
= 1 x 10-6 m3/s
= 4.71947 x 10-4 m3/s
= 0,0283168 m3/s
= 2.73118 x 10-7 m3/s
= 1.63871 x 10-5 m3/s
= 2.77778 x 10-4 m3/s
= 0,0166667 m3/s
= 1 m3/s
= 0,0127426 m3/s
= 1 m3/s
= 5.26168 x 10-8 m3/s
= 1.2628 x 10-6 m3/s
= 7.57682 x 10-5 m3/s
= 4.54609 x 10-3 m3/s
= 4.38126 x 10-8 m3/s
= 1.0515 x 10-6 m3/s
= 6.30902 x 10-5 m3/s
= 0,00378541 m3/s
= 2.77778 x 10-7 m3/s
= 1.66667 x 10-5 m3/s
= 0,001 m3/s

- acre foot per month
- barrel (US, liq.) per day
- barrel (US, petrol) per day
- cubic centimeter per second
- cubic foot per minute
- cubic foot per second
- cubic inch per minute
- cubic inch per second
- cubic meter per hour
- cubic meter per minute
- cubic meter per second
- cubic yard per minute
- cumec (musec)
- gallon (UK) per day
- gallon (UK) per hour
- gallon (UK) per minute
- gallon (UK) per second
- gallon (US, liq.) per day
- gallon (US, liq.) per hour
- gallon (US, liq.) per minute
- gallon (US, liq.) per second
- liter per hour
- liter per minute
- liter per second

Viscosity is first and foremost a function of material. Sqlpro studio 1 0 144 – powerful database manager. The viscosity of water at 20 °C is 1.0020 millipascal seconds (which is conveniently close to one by coincidence alone). Most ordinary liquids have viscosities on the order of 1 to 1,000 mPa s, while gases have viscosities on the order of 1 to 10 μPa s. An oil has a kinematic viscosity of 1.25 E-4 m 2 /s and a specific gravity of 0.80. What is its dynamic (absolute) viscosity in kg/(m s)? (a) 0.08, (b) 0.10, (c) 0.125, (d) 1.0, (e) 1.25. Step-by-step solution: 100%(20 ratings) for this solution. Define viscosity. Viscosity synonyms, viscosity pronunciation, viscosity translation, English dictionary definition of viscosity. The condition or property of being viscous. Physics Coefficient of viscosity. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English. Automotive Lubricant Viscosity Grades1 Engine Oils – SAE J 300, June 2001 (Dec. 1999) SAE Viscosity Grade Viscosity (cP) At Temp (oC), Max Viscosity4 (cSt) at 100oC Cranking2 Pumping3 Min Max High-Shear V is co ty5 ( P) a 150oC and 10sec-1, Min 0W 6200 at -35 60,000 at -40 3.8 5W 6600 at -30 60,000 at -35 3.8 10W 7000 at -25 60,000 at -30 4.1. Automotive Lubricant Viscosity Grades1 Engine Oils – SAE J 300, June 2001 (Dec. 1999) SAE Viscosity Grade Viscosity (cP) At Temp (oC), Max Viscosity4 (cSt) at 100oC Cranking2 Pumping3 Min Max High-Shear V is co ty5 ( P) a 150oC and 10sec-1, Min 0W 6200 at -35 60,000 at -40 3.8 5W 6600 at -30 60,000 at -35 3.8 10W 7000 at -25 60,000 at -30 4.1.

Speed (the unit speed of the S.I = meter per second)
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais
1 Bz
1 cm/min
1 cm/s
1 ft/h, fph
1 ft/min, fpm
1 ft/s, fps
1 furlong/fortnight
1 in/s, ips
1 km/h
1 kn, knot
1 cm/s
1 m/min
1 m/s
1 mpy
1 knot
1 mph, mi/h
1 mi/min
1 mm/min
1 mm/s
1 ---
= 1 m/s
= 1,66667 x 10-4 m/s
= 0,01 m/s
= 8,46667 x 10-5 m/s
= 0,00508 m/s
= 0,3048 m/s
= 1,66309 x 10-4 m/s
= 0,0254 m/s
= 0.277778 m/s
= 0,514444 m/s
= 0,01 m/s
= 166,667 m/s
= 1 m/s
= 8.04327 x 10-13 m/s
= 0.514444 m/s
= 0.44704 m/s
= 26.8224 m/s
= 1.66667 x 10-5 m/s
= 0,001 m/s
= 2.99792 x 108 m/s

- benz
- centimeter per minute
- centimeter per second
- foot per hour
- foot per minute
- foot per second
- furlong per fortnight
- inch per second
- kilometer per hour
- knot (noeud)
- kyne
- meter per minute
- meter per second
- mil per year
- mile (naut.) per hour (knot, noeud)
- mile (stat.) per hour
- mile (stat.) per minute
- millimeter per minute
- millimeter per second
- speed of light


- Conversion of the degree Celsius into Fahrenheit = degrees C x 1.8 + 32
- Conversion of the Fahrenheit into degree Celsius = (degrees F - 32.) / 1.8

A noter que le 0 degré absolu Rankine (0°R) est le même que le zéro absolu Kelvin (0 K)

Point de congélation / fusion de l'eau / glace = 0°C ou 32°F ou 273,15 K ou 491.67°R.

Point d'ébullition de l'eau = 100°C ou 212°F ou 373,15 K ou 671.67°R.

mode opératoire
Degrees Celsius (C) to degrees Kelvin (K)
Degrees Celsius (C) to degrees Fahrenheit (F)
Degrees Celsius (C) to degrees Rankine (R)
Degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Kelvin (K)
Degrees Fahrenheit (F) to degrees Rankine (R)
Degrees Kelvin (K) to degrees Rankine (R)
Degrees Rankine (R) to degrees Celsius (C)
Degrees Rankine (R) to degrees Kelvin (K)
= (C) + 273.15 = (K)
= [(C) * 1.8] + 32 = (F)
= [(C) * 1.8] + 491.67 = (R)
= [(F) * 0.555556] + 255.37 = (K)
= (F) + 459.67 = (R)
= (K) * 1.8 = (R)
= [(R) - 491.67] * 0.555556 = (C)
= (R) * 0.555556 = (K)
Viscosity 1 8 4 X 4


The Newton is the unit of force of the SI. A Newton is the force required to give to a mass of 1 kilogram an acceleration of 1 meter per second.

The most current force is the weight. It is a vertical force directed to the bottom, which results from the action of gravity. Whose equivalent is : mass * 9.806 (N/kg) )

Pression(the unit of pressure of the S.I is the Pascal)

The pressure is a force per unit of area.

APascalcorresponds to the pressure generated by a force of 1 Newton acting on a surface of 1 square meter also said Newton per square meter (N/m2). It is a rather small unit like result and it more often used as a kilopascal [ kPa ] or in bar, equivalent to 100 000 Pascal.

Le daN is the 1/10 of N , et le daN/cm2 is equal to 1 bar.

  • Pound-force/sq in = 1 lbf/in2 or psi = 6,89476 kPa
  • Pound-force/sq ft = lbf/ft2 = 1 lbf/ft2 = 47,8803 Pa
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais
1 at
1 atm
1 bar
1 cmHg (0 °C)
1 cmH2O
1 dyn/cm2
1 ft H2O
1 hPa
1 inHg (0 °C)
1 inHg (15.56 °C)
1 inH2O (15.56 °C)
1 inH2O (4 °C)
1 kgf/cm2
1 kgf/dm2
1 kgf/m2
1 kgf/mm2
1 kPa
1 kip/in2, ksi, KSI
1 MPa
1 mH2O, mCE (15.56 °C)
1 mH2O, mCE (4 °C)
1 µbar
1 µHg (0 °C)
1 mbar
1 mmHg, torr, Torr (0 °C)
1 mmH2O, mmCE (15.56 °C)
1 mmH2O, mmCE (4 °C)
1 N/m2
1 Pa, N/m2
1 lbf/ft2
1 psi, PSI, lbf/in2
1 atm
1 tonf/cm2 (metric)
1 tonf/m2 (metric)
1 torr
= 98066,5 Pa
= 101325 Pa
= 100000 Pa
= 1333,22 Pa
= 98.0638 Pa
= 0,1 Pa
= 2988,98 Pa
= 100 Pa
= 3386,38 Pa
= 3377,18 Pa
= 248,845 Pa
= 249,082 Pa
= 98066,5 Pa
= 980,665 Pa
= 9,80665 Pa
= 9806650 Pa
= 1000 Pa
= 6894760 Pa
= 1000000 Pa
= 9797,06 Pa
= 9806.38 Pa
= 0,1 Pa
= 0,133322 Pa
= 100 Pa
= 133,322 Pa
= 9.79706 Pa
= 9.80638 Pa
= 1 Pa
= 1 Pa
= 47,8803 Pa
= 6894,76 Pa
= 101325 Pa
= 98066500 Pa
= 9806,65 Pa
= 133,322 Pa

- atmosphere (metric)
- atmosphere (standard)
- bar
- centimeter of mercury (0 °C)
- centimeter of water (4 °C)
- dyne per square centimeter
- foot of water (4 °C)
- hectopascal
- inch of mercury (0 °C)
- inch of mercury (15.56 °C)
- inch of water (15.56 °C)
- inch of water (4 °C)
- kilogram force per square centimeter
- kilogram force per square decimeter
- kilogram force per square meter
- kilogram force per square millimeter
- kilopascal
- kilopound force per square inch
- megapascal
- meter of water (15.56 °C)
- meter of water (4 °C)
- microbar (barye, barrie)
- micron of mercury (millitorr)
- millibar
- millimeter of mercury (0 °C)
- millimeter of water (15.56 °C)
- millimeter of water (4 °C)
- newton per square meter
- pascal
- pound force per square foot
- pound force per square inch
- standard atmosphere
- ton force (metric) per square centimeter
- ton force (metric) per square meter
- torr


Joule (J) is equivalent to the work produced by a force of 1 Newton who's the point of application moves of 1 m in the direction of the force.

The calorie that is still used is quantified under various values. Navicat premium 12 key generator.

The general standard, it is the quantity of heat necessary to raise 1°C the temperature of 1 gram of water of 14.5 to 15.5°C under the normal atmospheric pressure.

1 calorie = 4.186 J - 0.003968 Btu - 3.087 foot-pounds.

  • 1 kg of water at 15°C under 1 atm = 4.1855 kj/kg °C or 1 kcal/kg °C · 1 kcal = 1.163 w.
  • The small calorie or therm, is measured of 3.5°C to 4.5°C (water is densest at 4°C).

The intermediate value of the calorie in the range of 0°C to 100°C is called the average calorie; i.e. 1/100 of energy necessary to heat the water of 1 gram of water of the melting point at its point of boiling.

Type of caloriejoule equivalent
International Table4.186.8
at 15 °C4.1855
Mean of 0°C to 100°C 4.19012

A British thermal unit (Btu or BTU and also known as a heat unit in the United States)

BTU: It is the quantity of heat necessary to increase the temperature of a degree Fahrenheit per unit of mass of 1 pound of water, that is to say a mass of 0.4535924 kg.

The British Thermal Unit (BTU) can also take various values and are called in a similar way to the calorie, that is Btu (IT), (Th), etc.

One hundred thousand BTU (100 000 Btu) are called a Therm , thus its exact value depends on which BTU is used.

Energie mesurée en unité de temps (unités non conventionnelles)
Le Joule étant une unité trop petite pour les besoins usuels, on utilise plutôt Watt-heure (Wh) ou son multiple le kilowatt-heure (kWh)
(C'est le cas général par exemple pour les calculs de bilans thermiques ou calculs de déperditions)

1 Mega-joule (MJ)= 278 Wh ou 0,278 kWh
1 Watt-heure (Wh)= 3600 Joules
1 calorie/heure (cal/h) (unité non usitée)= 0,0011639 Wh
1 British thermal unit/hour (Btu/h)= 0,293 071 Wh
1 kilocalorie/heure (kcal/h) (unité non usitée)= 1,163 Wh
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure
1 bboe
1 bboe
1 Btu (ISO)
1 Btu (IT)
1 Btu (mean)
1 Btu (therm.)
1 cal15
1 cal4
1 Cal, kcal
1 cal (IT)
1 calmean
1 cal (therm.)
1 Chu
1 C-V
1 ft3-atm
1 eV
1 erg
1 ft-lbf
1 GeV
1 gram-cal
1 Hp-h
1 in-lbf
1 J
1 kcal15
1 kcal4
1 keV
1 kJ
1 kWh
1 MeV
1 MJ
1 N-m
1 th15 °C
1 toe
1 ton (TNT)
1 tce
1 toe
1 Wh
= 6.12 x 10^9 J
= 6.12 x 10^9 J
= 1055.06 J
= 1055.06 J
= 1055.87 J
= 1054.35 J
= 4.185 J
= 4.2045 J
= 4180 J
= 4.18674 J
= 4.19002 J
= 4.184 J
= 1899.18 J
= 1 J
= 2869.2 J
= 1.60218 x 10-19 J
= 1x10-7 J
= 1.35582 J
= 1.60218 x 10-10 J
= 4.18674 J
= 2.68452 x 10^6 J
= 0.112985 J
= 1 J
= 4185.5 J
= 4204.5 J
= 1.60218 x 10-16 J
= 1000 J
= 3.6 x 10^6 J
= 1.60218 x 10-13 J
= 1 x 10^6 J
= 1 J
= 1.05506 x 10^8 J
= 1.0548 x 10^8 J
= 4.1855 x 10^6 J
= 4.187 x 10^10 J
= 4.18 x 10^9 J
= 2.929 x 10^10 J
= 4.187x 10^10 J
= 3600 J

- barrel oil equivalent
- bboe (barrel oil equivalent)
- British thermal unit (ISO)
- British thermal unit (IT)
- British thermal unit (mean)
- British thermal unit (thermochemical)
- calorie (15 °C)
- calorie (4 °C)
- Calorie (diet kilocalorie)
- calorie (IT) (International Steam Table)
- calorie (mean)
- calorie (thermochemical)
- Celsius-heat unit
- coulomb volt
- cubic foot atm
- electronvolt
- erg
- foot-pound force
- gigaelectronvolt
- gram calorie
- horsepower (550ft-lbf/s)-hour
- inch pound force
- joule
- kilocalorie (15 °C)
- kilocalorie (4 °C)
- kiloelectronvolt
- kilojoule
- kilowatt-hour
- megaelectronvolt
- megajoule
- newton meter
- therm (EEG)
- therm (US)
- thermie (15 °C)
- toe (tonne oil equivalent)
- ton TNT equivalent
- tonne coal equivalent
- tonne oil equivalent
- watt hour
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure
1 Btu (IT)/lbm
1 Btu (therm.)/lbm
1 cal (IT)/g
1 cal (therm.)/g
1 J/g
1 J/kg
1 Cal (IT)/kg, kcal/kg
1 kWh/kg
= 2326 J/kg
= 2324.44 J/kg
= 4186.74 J/kg
= 4184 J/kg
= 1000 J/kg
= 1 J/kg
= 4186.74 J/kg
= 3.6 x 10^6 J/kg
- British thermal unit (IT) per pound mass
- British thermal unit (therm.) per pound mass
- calorie (IT) per gram
- calorie (therm.) per gram
- joule per gram
- joule per kilogram
- kilocalorie (IT) per kilogram
- kilowatt-hour per kilogram

Power (the unit of power of the S.I = Watt)

The power is the unit of energy per unit of time.

  • 1 Joule = 1 Watt during one second.
  • 1 Joule (J) = 1 w/s or Newton meter (Nm).
  • 1 watt/h = 3600 Joules.

C'est cette unité qui est attribuée aux générateurs d'énergie (moteurs, chaudières, etc.) ou à leurs dérivés.

  • 1 Watt = 1 Joule pendant une seconde.

Energie (E en Joules) = W (Puissance en watt) x t (temps en secondes)

Par exemple :

  • Une ampoule de 100 W (puissance) sera équivalent en énergie (E) sur une heure à 0,36 MJ ou 100 Wh.
  • Un moteur d'une puissance de 10 ch (7,36 kw) sera équivalent en énergie (E) sur une heure à 26,5 MJ ou 7,36 kWh.

Attention ceci ne signifie pas la consommation d'énergie (Il faut intégré tous les rendement et autres pour obtenir la consommation d'énergie équivalente)

Il y a 2 unités différentes dans l'utilisation du horse power (HP). La pemière unité (HP = 745,7 watt) utilisée au USA/UK est basée sur l'énergie équivalente pour soulever un poids de 550 livres (pound) au travers 1 pied (foot) en une seconde. La seconde unité (HP = 736 watt) utilisée en Europe continentale est basée sur l'énergie équivalente en énergie à soulever dun poids de 75 kilogrammes sur 1 mètre en 1 seconde.

SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais
1 Btu (IT)/h
1 Btu (IT)/min
1 Btu (IT)/s
1 Btu (therm.)/h
1 Btu (therm.)/min
1 Btu (therm.)/s
1 cal (IT)/h
1 cal (IT)/min
1 cal (IT)/s
1 cal (therm.)/h
1 cal (therm.)/min
1 cal (therm.)/s
1 cv, HP
1 dyn-cm/s
1 erg/s
1 ft-lbf/h
1 ft-lbf/min
1 ft-lbf/s
1 ft-pdl/s
1 HP
1 HP
1 BHP, hp
1 cv, HP
1 HP
1 HP
1 HP
1 kgf-m/s
1 kW
1 CTR (UK)
1 CTR (US)
1 VA
1 W
1 W
1 W
= 0.293071 W
= 17.5843 W
= 1055.06 W
= 0.292875 W
= 17.5725 W
= 1054.35 W
= 0,00116298 W
= 0,069779 W
= 4.18674 W
= 0,00162222 W
= 0,0697333 W
= 4.184 W
= 735.499 W
= 1 x 10-7 W
= 1 x 10-7 W
= 3.76616 x 10-4 W
= 0,022597 W
= 1.35582 W
= 0,0421401 W
= 745.7 W
= 9809.5 W
= 745.7 W
= 735.499 W
= 746 W
= 735.499 W
= 746.043 W
= 9.80665 W
= 1000 W
= 3922.7 W
= 3516.8 W
= 1 W
= 1 W
= 1.00019 W
= 1.00016 W

- British thermal unit (IT) per hour
- British thermal unit (IT) per minute
- British thermal unit (IT) per second
- British thermal unit (therm.) per hour
- British thermal unit (therm.) per minute
- British thermal unit (therm.) per second
- calorie (IT) per hour
- calorie (IT) per minute
- calorie (IT) per second
- calorie (therm.) per hour
- calorie (therm.) per minute
- calorie (therm.) per second
- cheval-vapeur (horsepower)
- dyne-centimeter per second
- erg per second
- foot-pound force per hour
- foot-pound force per minute
- foot-pound force per second
- foot-poundal per second
- horsepower (550 ft-lbf/s)
- horsepower (boiler)
- horsepower (British)
- horsepower (cheval-vapeur)
- horsepower (electric)
- horsepower (metric)
- horsepower (water)
- kilogram force-meter per second
- kilowatt
- ton (refrigeration, UK)
- ton (refrigeration, US)
- volt-ampere
- watt
- watt (int. mean)
- watt (int. US)
LA PUISSANCE APPARENTE (Unité pratique de puissance électrique apparentemoteur électrique)
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais

1 Volt Amperes (VA)
1 Kilovolt amperes (kVA)

= E (V) x I (A) (mono-phasé)
= 1000 x E (V) x I (A)
= E (V) x I (A) x 1,73 (tri-phasé)
= E =Tension en Volt - I Intensité en Ampère

Dynamic viscosity (Pa.s)
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais
1 cP, cPo
1 dyn-s/cm2
1 gf-s/cm2
1 g/cm-s
1 kgf-s/m2
1 kg/m-s
1 N-s/m2
1 Pa-s
1 P, Po
1 --
1 lbf-s/ft2
1 lbm/ft-s
1 lbm/in-s
1 reyns (reyn)
1 slug/ft-s
1 slug/in-s
= 1x10-3 Pa-s
= 0.1 Pa-s
= 98.0665 Pa-s
= 0.1 Pa-s
= 9.80665 Pa-s
= 1 Pa-s
= 1 Pa-s
= 1 Pa-s
= 0.1 Pa-s
= 1 Pa-s
= 47.8803 Pa-s
= 1.48816 Pa-s
= 17.858 Pa-s
= 6894.76 Pa-s
= 47.8803 Pa-s
= 574.563 Pa-s
- centipoise
- dyne second per square centimeter
- gram force second per square centimeter
- gram per centimeter per second
- kilogram force second per square meter
- kilogram per meter per second
- newton second per square meter
- pascal second
- poise
- poiseuille
- pound force second per square foot
- pound mass per foot second
- pound mass per inch second
- reynolds (reyns)
- slug per foot second
- slug per inch second
Cinematic viscosity (m²/s)
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais
1 cSt
1 cm2/s
1 ft2/h
1 ft2/s
1 in2/h
1 in2/s
1 m2/h
1 m2/s
1 St
= 1 x 10-6 m²/s
= 1 x 10-4 m²/s
= 2.58064 x 10-5 m²/s
= 9.2903 x 10-2 m²/s
= 1.79211 x 10-7 m²/s
= 6.4516 x 10-4 m²/s
= 2.77778 x 10-4 m²/s
= 1 m²/s
= 1 x 10-4 m²/s
- centistokes
- square centimeter per second
- square foot per hour
- square foot per second
- square inch per hour
- square inch per second
- square meter per hour
- square meter per second
- stokes

Any recopy of these tables on another website or in another form of publication is completely forbidden.

Last update : June 2003

Viscosity for macOS

10 x 4


The Newton is the unit of force of the SI. A Newton is the force required to give to a mass of 1 kilogram an acceleration of 1 meter per second.

The most current force is the weight. It is a vertical force directed to the bottom, which results from the action of gravity. Whose equivalent is : mass * 9.806 (N/kg) )

Pression(the unit of pressure of the S.I is the Pascal)

The pressure is a force per unit of area.

APascalcorresponds to the pressure generated by a force of 1 Newton acting on a surface of 1 square meter also said Newton per square meter (N/m2). It is a rather small unit like result and it more often used as a kilopascal [ kPa ] or in bar, equivalent to 100 000 Pascal.

Le daN is the 1/10 of N , et le daN/cm2 is equal to 1 bar.

  • Pound-force/sq in = 1 lbf/in2 or psi = 6,89476 kPa
  • Pound-force/sq ft = lbf/ft2 = 1 lbf/ft2 = 47,8803 Pa
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais
1 at
1 atm
1 bar
1 cmHg (0 °C)
1 cmH2O
1 dyn/cm2
1 ft H2O
1 hPa
1 inHg (0 °C)
1 inHg (15.56 °C)
1 inH2O (15.56 °C)
1 inH2O (4 °C)
1 kgf/cm2
1 kgf/dm2
1 kgf/m2
1 kgf/mm2
1 kPa
1 kip/in2, ksi, KSI
1 MPa
1 mH2O, mCE (15.56 °C)
1 mH2O, mCE (4 °C)
1 µbar
1 µHg (0 °C)
1 mbar
1 mmHg, torr, Torr (0 °C)
1 mmH2O, mmCE (15.56 °C)
1 mmH2O, mmCE (4 °C)
1 N/m2
1 Pa, N/m2
1 lbf/ft2
1 psi, PSI, lbf/in2
1 atm
1 tonf/cm2 (metric)
1 tonf/m2 (metric)
1 torr
= 98066,5 Pa
= 101325 Pa
= 100000 Pa
= 1333,22 Pa
= 98.0638 Pa
= 0,1 Pa
= 2988,98 Pa
= 100 Pa
= 3386,38 Pa
= 3377,18 Pa
= 248,845 Pa
= 249,082 Pa
= 98066,5 Pa
= 980,665 Pa
= 9,80665 Pa
= 9806650 Pa
= 1000 Pa
= 6894760 Pa
= 1000000 Pa
= 9797,06 Pa
= 9806.38 Pa
= 0,1 Pa
= 0,133322 Pa
= 100 Pa
= 133,322 Pa
= 9.79706 Pa
= 9.80638 Pa
= 1 Pa
= 1 Pa
= 47,8803 Pa
= 6894,76 Pa
= 101325 Pa
= 98066500 Pa
= 9806,65 Pa
= 133,322 Pa

- atmosphere (metric)
- atmosphere (standard)
- bar
- centimeter of mercury (0 °C)
- centimeter of water (4 °C)
- dyne per square centimeter
- foot of water (4 °C)
- hectopascal
- inch of mercury (0 °C)
- inch of mercury (15.56 °C)
- inch of water (15.56 °C)
- inch of water (4 °C)
- kilogram force per square centimeter
- kilogram force per square decimeter
- kilogram force per square meter
- kilogram force per square millimeter
- kilopascal
- kilopound force per square inch
- megapascal
- meter of water (15.56 °C)
- meter of water (4 °C)
- microbar (barye, barrie)
- micron of mercury (millitorr)
- millibar
- millimeter of mercury (0 °C)
- millimeter of water (15.56 °C)
- millimeter of water (4 °C)
- newton per square meter
- pascal
- pound force per square foot
- pound force per square inch
- standard atmosphere
- ton force (metric) per square centimeter
- ton force (metric) per square meter
- torr


Joule (J) is equivalent to the work produced by a force of 1 Newton who's the point of application moves of 1 m in the direction of the force.

The calorie that is still used is quantified under various values. Navicat premium 12 key generator.

The general standard, it is the quantity of heat necessary to raise 1°C the temperature of 1 gram of water of 14.5 to 15.5°C under the normal atmospheric pressure.

1 calorie = 4.186 J - 0.003968 Btu - 3.087 foot-pounds.

  • 1 kg of water at 15°C under 1 atm = 4.1855 kj/kg °C or 1 kcal/kg °C · 1 kcal = 1.163 w.
  • The small calorie or therm, is measured of 3.5°C to 4.5°C (water is densest at 4°C).

The intermediate value of the calorie in the range of 0°C to 100°C is called the average calorie; i.e. 1/100 of energy necessary to heat the water of 1 gram of water of the melting point at its point of boiling.

Type of caloriejoule equivalent
International Table4.186.8
at 15 °C4.1855
Mean of 0°C to 100°C 4.19012

A British thermal unit (Btu or BTU and also known as a heat unit in the United States)

BTU: It is the quantity of heat necessary to increase the temperature of a degree Fahrenheit per unit of mass of 1 pound of water, that is to say a mass of 0.4535924 kg.

The British Thermal Unit (BTU) can also take various values and are called in a similar way to the calorie, that is Btu (IT), (Th), etc.

One hundred thousand BTU (100 000 Btu) are called a Therm , thus its exact value depends on which BTU is used.

Energie mesurée en unité de temps (unités non conventionnelles)
Le Joule étant une unité trop petite pour les besoins usuels, on utilise plutôt Watt-heure (Wh) ou son multiple le kilowatt-heure (kWh)
(C'est le cas général par exemple pour les calculs de bilans thermiques ou calculs de déperditions)

1 Mega-joule (MJ)= 278 Wh ou 0,278 kWh
1 Watt-heure (Wh)= 3600 Joules
1 calorie/heure (cal/h) (unité non usitée)= 0,0011639 Wh
1 British thermal unit/hour (Btu/h)= 0,293 071 Wh
1 kilocalorie/heure (kcal/h) (unité non usitée)= 1,163 Wh
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure
1 bboe
1 bboe
1 Btu (ISO)
1 Btu (IT)
1 Btu (mean)
1 Btu (therm.)
1 cal15
1 cal4
1 Cal, kcal
1 cal (IT)
1 calmean
1 cal (therm.)
1 Chu
1 C-V
1 ft3-atm
1 eV
1 erg
1 ft-lbf
1 GeV
1 gram-cal
1 Hp-h
1 in-lbf
1 J
1 kcal15
1 kcal4
1 keV
1 kJ
1 kWh
1 MeV
1 MJ
1 N-m
1 th15 °C
1 toe
1 ton (TNT)
1 tce
1 toe
1 Wh
= 6.12 x 10^9 J
= 6.12 x 10^9 J
= 1055.06 J
= 1055.06 J
= 1055.87 J
= 1054.35 J
= 4.185 J
= 4.2045 J
= 4180 J
= 4.18674 J
= 4.19002 J
= 4.184 J
= 1899.18 J
= 1 J
= 2869.2 J
= 1.60218 x 10-19 J
= 1x10-7 J
= 1.35582 J
= 1.60218 x 10-10 J
= 4.18674 J
= 2.68452 x 10^6 J
= 0.112985 J
= 1 J
= 4185.5 J
= 4204.5 J
= 1.60218 x 10-16 J
= 1000 J
= 3.6 x 10^6 J
= 1.60218 x 10-13 J
= 1 x 10^6 J
= 1 J
= 1.05506 x 10^8 J
= 1.0548 x 10^8 J
= 4.1855 x 10^6 J
= 4.187 x 10^10 J
= 4.18 x 10^9 J
= 2.929 x 10^10 J
= 4.187x 10^10 J
= 3600 J

- barrel oil equivalent
- bboe (barrel oil equivalent)
- British thermal unit (ISO)
- British thermal unit (IT)
- British thermal unit (mean)
- British thermal unit (thermochemical)
- calorie (15 °C)
- calorie (4 °C)
- Calorie (diet kilocalorie)
- calorie (IT) (International Steam Table)
- calorie (mean)
- calorie (thermochemical)
- Celsius-heat unit
- coulomb volt
- cubic foot atm
- electronvolt
- erg
- foot-pound force
- gigaelectronvolt
- gram calorie
- horsepower (550ft-lbf/s)-hour
- inch pound force
- joule
- kilocalorie (15 °C)
- kilocalorie (4 °C)
- kiloelectronvolt
- kilojoule
- kilowatt-hour
- megaelectronvolt
- megajoule
- newton meter
- therm (EEG)
- therm (US)
- thermie (15 °C)
- toe (tonne oil equivalent)
- ton TNT equivalent
- tonne coal equivalent
- tonne oil equivalent
- watt hour
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure
1 Btu (IT)/lbm
1 Btu (therm.)/lbm
1 cal (IT)/g
1 cal (therm.)/g
1 J/g
1 J/kg
1 Cal (IT)/kg, kcal/kg
1 kWh/kg
= 2326 J/kg
= 2324.44 J/kg
= 4186.74 J/kg
= 4184 J/kg
= 1000 J/kg
= 1 J/kg
= 4186.74 J/kg
= 3.6 x 10^6 J/kg
- British thermal unit (IT) per pound mass
- British thermal unit (therm.) per pound mass
- calorie (IT) per gram
- calorie (therm.) per gram
- joule per gram
- joule per kilogram
- kilocalorie (IT) per kilogram
- kilowatt-hour per kilogram

Power (the unit of power of the S.I = Watt)

The power is the unit of energy per unit of time.

  • 1 Joule = 1 Watt during one second.
  • 1 Joule (J) = 1 w/s or Newton meter (Nm).
  • 1 watt/h = 3600 Joules.

C'est cette unité qui est attribuée aux générateurs d'énergie (moteurs, chaudières, etc.) ou à leurs dérivés.

  • 1 Watt = 1 Joule pendant une seconde.

Energie (E en Joules) = W (Puissance en watt) x t (temps en secondes)

Par exemple :

  • Une ampoule de 100 W (puissance) sera équivalent en énergie (E) sur une heure à 0,36 MJ ou 100 Wh.
  • Un moteur d'une puissance de 10 ch (7,36 kw) sera équivalent en énergie (E) sur une heure à 26,5 MJ ou 7,36 kWh.

Attention ceci ne signifie pas la consommation d'énergie (Il faut intégré tous les rendement et autres pour obtenir la consommation d'énergie équivalente)

Il y a 2 unités différentes dans l'utilisation du horse power (HP). La pemière unité (HP = 745,7 watt) utilisée au USA/UK est basée sur l'énergie équivalente pour soulever un poids de 550 livres (pound) au travers 1 pied (foot) en une seconde. La seconde unité (HP = 736 watt) utilisée en Europe continentale est basée sur l'énergie équivalente en énergie à soulever dun poids de 75 kilogrammes sur 1 mètre en 1 seconde.

SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais
1 Btu (IT)/h
1 Btu (IT)/min
1 Btu (IT)/s
1 Btu (therm.)/h
1 Btu (therm.)/min
1 Btu (therm.)/s
1 cal (IT)/h
1 cal (IT)/min
1 cal (IT)/s
1 cal (therm.)/h
1 cal (therm.)/min
1 cal (therm.)/s
1 cv, HP
1 dyn-cm/s
1 erg/s
1 ft-lbf/h
1 ft-lbf/min
1 ft-lbf/s
1 ft-pdl/s
1 HP
1 HP
1 BHP, hp
1 cv, HP
1 HP
1 HP
1 HP
1 kgf-m/s
1 kW
1 CTR (UK)
1 CTR (US)
1 VA
1 W
1 W
1 W
= 0.293071 W
= 17.5843 W
= 1055.06 W
= 0.292875 W
= 17.5725 W
= 1054.35 W
= 0,00116298 W
= 0,069779 W
= 4.18674 W
= 0,00162222 W
= 0,0697333 W
= 4.184 W
= 735.499 W
= 1 x 10-7 W
= 1 x 10-7 W
= 3.76616 x 10-4 W
= 0,022597 W
= 1.35582 W
= 0,0421401 W
= 745.7 W
= 9809.5 W
= 745.7 W
= 735.499 W
= 746 W
= 735.499 W
= 746.043 W
= 9.80665 W
= 1000 W
= 3922.7 W
= 3516.8 W
= 1 W
= 1 W
= 1.00019 W
= 1.00016 W

- British thermal unit (IT) per hour
- British thermal unit (IT) per minute
- British thermal unit (IT) per second
- British thermal unit (therm.) per hour
- British thermal unit (therm.) per minute
- British thermal unit (therm.) per second
- calorie (IT) per hour
- calorie (IT) per minute
- calorie (IT) per second
- calorie (therm.) per hour
- calorie (therm.) per minute
- calorie (therm.) per second
- cheval-vapeur (horsepower)
- dyne-centimeter per second
- erg per second
- foot-pound force per hour
- foot-pound force per minute
- foot-pound force per second
- foot-poundal per second
- horsepower (550 ft-lbf/s)
- horsepower (boiler)
- horsepower (British)
- horsepower (cheval-vapeur)
- horsepower (electric)
- horsepower (metric)
- horsepower (water)
- kilogram force-meter per second
- kilowatt
- ton (refrigeration, UK)
- ton (refrigeration, US)
- volt-ampere
- watt
- watt (int. mean)
- watt (int. US)
LA PUISSANCE APPARENTE (Unité pratique de puissance électrique apparentemoteur électrique)
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais

1 Volt Amperes (VA)
1 Kilovolt amperes (kVA)

= E (V) x I (A) (mono-phasé)
= 1000 x E (V) x I (A)
= E (V) x I (A) x 1,73 (tri-phasé)
= E =Tension en Volt - I Intensité en Ampère

Dynamic viscosity (Pa.s)
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais
1 cP, cPo
1 dyn-s/cm2
1 gf-s/cm2
1 g/cm-s
1 kgf-s/m2
1 kg/m-s
1 N-s/m2
1 Pa-s
1 P, Po
1 --
1 lbf-s/ft2
1 lbm/ft-s
1 lbm/in-s
1 reyns (reyn)
1 slug/ft-s
1 slug/in-s
= 1x10-3 Pa-s
= 0.1 Pa-s
= 98.0665 Pa-s
= 0.1 Pa-s
= 9.80665 Pa-s
= 1 Pa-s
= 1 Pa-s
= 1 Pa-s
= 0.1 Pa-s
= 1 Pa-s
= 47.8803 Pa-s
= 1.48816 Pa-s
= 17.858 Pa-s
= 6894.76 Pa-s
= 47.8803 Pa-s
= 574.563 Pa-s
- centipoise
- dyne second per square centimeter
- gram force second per square centimeter
- gram per centimeter per second
- kilogram force second per square meter
- kilogram per meter per second
- newton second per square meter
- pascal second
- poise
- poiseuille
- pound force second per square foot
- pound mass per foot second
- pound mass per inch second
- reynolds (reyns)
- slug per foot second
- slug per inch second
Cinematic viscosity (m²/s)
SI équivalentDésignation unité de mesure en Anglais
1 cSt
1 cm2/s
1 ft2/h
1 ft2/s
1 in2/h
1 in2/s
1 m2/h
1 m2/s
1 St
= 1 x 10-6 m²/s
= 1 x 10-4 m²/s
= 2.58064 x 10-5 m²/s
= 9.2903 x 10-2 m²/s
= 1.79211 x 10-7 m²/s
= 6.4516 x 10-4 m²/s
= 2.77778 x 10-4 m²/s
= 1 m²/s
= 1 x 10-4 m²/s
- centistokes
- square centimeter per second
- square foot per hour
- square foot per second
- square inch per hour
- square inch per second
- square meter per hour
- square meter per second
- stokes

Any recopy of these tables on another website or in another form of publication is completely forbidden.

Last update : June 2003

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